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![]() The Nemar, the Shifters, are a difficult Race to describe. They are at once fierce and tender, powerful and weak, cruel and gentle. This is reflected in their physical forms as well, as they have every appearance of being extremely similar to the animalistic Bisch. It is at first sight that the similarity ends however. They are vastly more intelligent than the unthinking brutes that haunt Lathrandar, and the Nemar have been trying to establish themselves for centuries now. Though no one knows when they arrived, the Nemar have successfully colonised two of the islands and are in the midst of a bitter war for control of a third. Physical Description: Long curling horns sprout from the temples of the Nemar, their flesh covered in soft, shaggy fur that varies in density and extent between both sex and individual. Females tend to be far less obviously beastial, though still possessed of the tell-tale curving horns. Their facial structure is slightly animalistic, with pronounced eyebrow ridges, goat-like eyes and flattened noses that nearly meet their mouths. These features are more obvious in the males of the species, though both possess cloven hooves and short tails, their lower halves covered in a soft, short fur. With hair colour that matches or compliments their fur, the Nemar take great effort to decorate and individualise themselves, to try and further distinguish themselves from the unthinking Bisch. Hair is braided and coloured strange shades, beards are carefully tended and tattoos applied on areas of sparser hair. They are an odd species, with some almost able to pass for humans and others obviously animal like. Personality: Nemar are gregarious and secretive, eager to make friends but unwilling to reveal their secrets at the same time. They are staunch and steadfast allies but only if the cause suits their tastes and intentions. Highly intelligent but relatively short-lived, the Nemar live for the moment, enjoying everything they do and striving to excel, be it in play, war or love. They love to build and create art to live beyond their own existence so that their people will remember and learn from their forefathers. As such Nemar society revolves around assisting the next generation to be in the best possible condition it can be. Whether this is through building better homes amidst the trees and grasslands or through driving the Venris from the island of Toth once and for all is immaterial to individual Nemar. Any task that improves society as a whole is of equal worth to this race. Religion: The subject of their creator is one of the subjects that the Nemar are extremely unwilling to discuss. Many theories abound however, ranging from the species being an experiment by Grathis to refine the Bisch to them being the product, like the Morain, of an entirely new deity. The Nemar do not deny of these suggestions but nor do they support them, simply refusing to comment either way. What is known that small shrines are scattered throughout the islands that the Nemar control, each with a stylised crystal of ice carved into them. Relations: The Nemar have gone to war with most of the residents of the South from time to time, but their primary aggression is reserved for the Venris. The NightEaters want to push north and claim more territory but know better than to try and take on the might of the Ancient DragonLords. Thus they impinge upon Nemar lands on the island of Toth. The southern tip of the island has, over the years, been turned into a desolate wasteland of bloody battlefields as Nemar and Venris armies clash and slaughter each other. The Nemar get on far better with the newly arrived Morain, however, viewing them as potential new allies in the struggle against the Venris. Territory: The main city of the Nemar is the sprawling tent-city of Fer. The only permanent structure is a large temple to an unknown deity and entry to the temple is strictly controlled with no other species permitted within. Fer is nestled into the warm grasslands of Tamore, the ocean winds keeping the temperature down and allowing temperate forest to mix in places with hot jungle, making for a strange mixture of territories. Fanil is similar, though the mix of forest has taken over almost all of the island, and the Nemar there live in relative peace, apart from occasional issues with predatory Sirens. Toth is where the majority of the bloodshed takes place however. Ranging from hot savannah to grassland to scrub and wasteland, much of the territory is perfect for farming and rearing of animals. However the southern tip is a blood drenched battlefield and is suitable for little more than burning. Language: The Nemar have their own sing-song, lilting tongue called Nemish. They�ve taught most of it to the Morain and the other Races that live in the area they trade with, though certain aspects, as with all things relating to the Nemar, this enigmatic species keeps to themselves. Names: Nemar prefer names that call out to aspects of nature and animals around them, such as those of trees or the living creatures they live with. For example: Male: Elmsong, Lionheart, Leapingbuck, Blackwolf, Shadowdell Female: Swifthawk, Dancingcrane, Willowsway, Rowanblood. The Venris wish to take our land! They wish to take our lives! They wish to take our homes! Will we let them?! Oakenheart, general of the Nemar forces at the 512th Battle for Toth My God? I have no idea to whom you refer . . . now, perhaps you would be interested in purchasing some of my wares? A typically evasive Nemar merchant |