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Sound Magic’s most common application is in the synthesis, alteration and removal of sound within an area. By altering the frequencies and wavelengths of sounds, a Sound mage is able to reinforce a sound, making it louder, or make soundwaves interfere with each other, and therefore cancel each other out, thereby removing sound. From throwing their voice, to creating ambient noise, the possibilities are near endless. It can also be utilised to confuse, deceive and to alter how a person thinks through seduction and mind-controlling songs.

Sound Magic also has other applications utilising the areas above and below the normal range of hearing. Ultrasonic frequencies may be used in an echolocation manner, such as that used by Ether Walkers. Infrasonic frequencies may cause concussion waves, such as those created during an earthquake or storm. Such concussions can be so great that it becomes a physical embodiment of sound, as discovered by those brave Tal’Vornian souls who have attempted to travel at the speed of sound, and encountered the invisible wall that materialises.
Forbidden Magic
Like all of the Recognized Forms of Magic, Sound Magic is a method for incredibly powerful spells to be cast, and thus, has its own Forbidden Magic. Though not controlled by the Magus Council, these spells are equivalent in power and require immense will and courage to cast.
  • Siren's Lament
    This powerful Sound Magic is of such purity and sorrow that those who hear it are subsumed into soul-crushing grief, unable to do anything but weep as the song brings all of their worst and most saddening memories to the fore.

  • Concussive Collapse
    Using multiple high magnitude sound waves, the Mage creates a concussive blast directed at the target. The force of these waves, whilst leaving the outer shell of the body intact, decimate the interior, turning organs to liquid, bone to dust.

Magic Type Political Information

Sound Magic is used by the Sirens for a variety of uses, including defence and for the seduction and disabling of prospective mates. As such it doesn’t tend to have much interest in the politics of other Magical systems. Indeed it is only though its usage by the Sirens themselves that it has any real political place. In Siren society the beauty of Child of Dellimentai’s song is very important as it provides a good indicator of their usefulness to the Siren society as a whole. As such good singers and powerful Sound Magic users tend to be one and the same.

The Symbol of Sound Magic is a Fibbonaci Spiral.

There is no official leader of Sound Magic, but the most accomplished singer is one Liasaria Milina, whos song can echo through the waters for upwards of thirty miles.

General Allies: None
General Hostilities: None
Main Goals of Sound Magic: To protect and further the aims of the Siren people.

Racial Magic Users: Sirens

© Joshua Binks (Paladin), Christopher Riley (Carnage) and Vanessa Vaughan (Andanin) 2002 -